JavaScript Meteor 0.4.2を試してみた

JavaScript Meteor 0.4.2を試してみた

Clock Icon2012.10.23




  1. インストールが簡単
  2. サーバ側、クライアント側コードをJavaScriptで記述することができ、言語が統一できる。
  3. リロードいらずで修正したコードが同期される
  4. Node.jsをベースにしている
  5. テンプレートエンジンにHandlebarsを採用



  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • Meteor 0.4.2




  {{> pollview}}

<template name="pollview">
  <h2 id="toc-">下の言語文字列を直接クリックでそのまま投票となります。</h2>
  <div class="bar-chart">
  {{#each LangKind}}
    <dl {{graph}}>
      {{> LangKindDetail}}

<template name="LangKindDetail">



LangKind = new Meteor.Collection("LangKind");

if (Meteor.isClient) { Template.pollview.greeting = function () { return LangKind.find({}, {sort: {score: -1, name: 1}}); };{ 'click' : function () { Session.set("selected_language", this._id); // template data, if any, is available in 'this' // 投票数のUpdate LangKind.update(Session.get("selected_language"), {$inc: {score: 1}}); // 投票数の割合に応じてclass名を再設定する var elem = document.getElementById(this._id);

var upd_count = 0; var upd_score_cnt_this = 0; //選択された言語の投票数を取得する LangKind.find(this._id).forEach(function (post) { upd_score_cnt_this = post.score; upd_count += 1; });

// 全件のレコード数を取得する if (upd_count == 1){ var upd_score_cnt = 0; LangKind.find().forEach(function (post) { upd_score_cnt = upd_score_cnt + post.score; }); }

upd_score_cnt_res = Math.floor((upd_score_cnt_this / upd_score_cnt)*100);

if (upd_score_cnt_this == 0 || upd_score_cnt == 0){ upd_score_cnt_res = 0; }else{ upd_score_cnt_res = Math.floor((upd_score_cnt_this / upd_score_cnt)*100); }

// ページロード時にidを強引に設定しているので、ここでgetElementByIdを使ってclass名を再設定する if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 0 && upd_score_cnt_res < 10){ if ( document.getElementById(this._id) != null){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-1"; } } if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 10 && upd_score_cnt_res < 20){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-1"; } if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 20 && upd_score_cnt_res < 30){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-2"; } if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 30 && upd_score_cnt_res < 40){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-3"; } if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 40 && upd_score_cnt_res < 50){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-4"; } if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 50 && upd_score_cnt_res < 60){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-5"; } if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 60 && upd_score_cnt_res < 70){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-6"; } if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 70 && upd_score_cnt_res < 80){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-7"; } if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 80 && upd_score_cnt_res < 90){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-8"; } if ( upd_score_cnt_res >= 90){ document.getElementById(this._id).className="ratio-9"; } } });

Template.pollview.LangKind = function () { return LangKind.find({}, {sort: {score: -1, name: 1}}); };

Template.pollview.graph = function () { if (LangKind.find(this._id).count() != 0) { var count = 0; var score_cnt_this = 0; LangKind.find(this._id).forEach(function (post) { score_cnt_this = post.score; count += 1; });

if (count == 1){ var score_cnt = 0; LangKind.find().forEach(function (post) { score_cnt = score_cnt + post.score; }); } }

// 投票数の割合に応じてclass名を変え、idを強引に追加 if (score_cnt_this == 0 || score_cnt == 0){ score_cnt_res = 0; }else{ score_cnt_res = Math.floor((score_cnt_this / score_cnt)*100); } if ( score_cnt_res >= 0 && score_cnt_res < 10){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-1 id=" + this._id; } if ( score_cnt_res >= 10 && score_cnt_res < 20){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-1 id=" + this._id; } if ( score_cnt_res >= 20 && score_cnt_res < 30){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-2 id=" + this._id; } if ( score_cnt_res >= 30 && score_cnt_res < 40){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-3 id=" + this._id; } if ( score_cnt_res >= 40 && score_cnt_res < 50){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-4 id=" + this._id; } if ( score_cnt_res >= 50 && score_cnt_res < 60){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-5 id=" + this._id; } if ( score_cnt_res >= 60 && score_cnt_res < 70){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-6 id=" + this._id; } if ( score_cnt_res >= 70 && score_cnt_res < 80){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-7 id=" + this._id; } if ( score_cnt_res >= 80 && score_cnt_res < 90){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-8 id=" + this._id; } if ( score_cnt_res >= 90){ score_cnt = "class=ratio-9 id=" + this._id + '"'; } return score_cnt; }; Template.pollview.selected = function () { return Session.equals("selected_language", this._id) ? "selected" : ''; }; }

if (Meteor.isServer) { Meteor.startup(function () { // データが存在しない場合に初期データを登録する if (LangKind.find().count() === 0) { var names = ["HTML5/CSS3/javascript", "Android Native App.", "iPhone/iPad Native App.", "Pure javascript framework", "PHP (Zend Framework)", "Ruby (on Rails)", ".NET framework", "etc."]; for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) LangKind.insert({name: names[i], score: 0}); } }); } [/javascript]


$ meteor deploy polllang --password
New Password: *****
Confirm Password: *****
Deploying to  Bundling ... uploading ... done.
Now serving at



で、これを作り終えた矢先にMeteor 0.5.0がリリースされたようです。興味本位でアップデートしてみました。

$ meteor update
New version available: 0.5.0
  downloading [=============================] 100%... finished download
Since this system includes sudo, Meteor will request root privileges to
install. You may be prompted for a password. If you prefer to not use
sudo, please re-run this command as root.
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/meteor-temp-16ph0f7/meteor_0.5.0-1_amd64.deb
[sudo] password for tsukuma: 


* This release introduces Meteor Accounts, a full-featured auth system that supports
  - fine-grained user-based control over database reads and writes
  - federated login with any OAuth provider (with built-in support for
    Facebook, GitHub, Google, Twitter, and Weibo)
  - secure password login
  - email validation and password recovery
  - an optional set of UI widgets implementing standard login/signup/password
    change/logout flows

  When you upgrade to Meteor 0.5.0, existing apps will lose the ability to write
  to the database from the client. To restore this, either:
  - configure each of your collections with
    [`collection.allow`]( and
    [`collection.deny`]( calls to specify which
    users can perform which write operations, or
  - add the `insecure` smart package (which is included in new apps by default)
    to restore the old behavior where anyone can write to any collection which
    has not been configured with `allow` or `deny`

  For more information on Meteor Accounts, see:

* The new function `Meteor.autorun` allows you run any code in a reactive
  context. See

* Arrays and objects can now be stored in the `Session`; mutating the value you
  retrieve with `Session.get` does not affect the value in the session.

* On the client, `Meteor.apply` takes a new `wait` option, which ensures that no
  further method calls are sent to the server until this method is finished; it
  is used for login and logout methods in order to keep the user ID
  well-defined. You can also specifiy an `onReconnect` handler which is run when
  re-establishing a connection; Meteor Accounts uses this to log back in on

* Meteor now provides a compatible replacement for the DOM `localStorage`
  facility that works in IE7, in the `localstorage-polyfill` smart package.

* Meteor now packages the D3 library for manipulating documents based on data in
  a smart package called `d3`.

* `Meteor.Collection` now takes its optional `manager` argument (used to
  associate a collection with a server you've connected to with
  `Meteor.connect`) as a named option. (The old call syntax continues to work
  for now.)

* Fix a bug where trying to immediately resubscribe to a record set after
  unsubscribing could fail silently.

* Better error handling for failed Mongo writes from inside methods; previously,
  errors here could cause clients to stop processing data from the server.

Patches contributed by GitHub users bradens, dandv, dybskiy, possibilities,
zhangcheng, and 75lb.

Upgrade complete.


という事で時間があったらMeteor 0.5.0上で動作させるようにしたいと思います。

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